Property Protection: Protect your Property from the Hazard

Since Margate City is entirely in a Special Flood Hazard Zone, you should be aware that the question is not if we will have a flood due to a hurricane, but when!

There are various techniques that can be used to flood proof existing structures and thereby reduce or eliminate the potential of future flood damage.  This flood proofing process is known as "RETROFITTING". 

The Design Manual for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Structures (FEMA Publication No. 114-9/86) is available for review at the Margate City Building Department at 9001 Winchester Avenue, and it details the retrofitting alternatives such as the raising or relocation of a structure, the use of levees or flood walls, the sealing of a structure and the protection of utilities. Some of the preceding measures may not be practical in certain circumstances, but our qualified licensed N.J. Construction Officials are prepared to guide your decision.

If you are contemplating new construction, you must contact the Building Department to determine what special land use and building regulations are in effect to comply with federal flood insurance standards. This information is available to anyone at no cost.