Build Responsibly

The City of Margate Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance and Flood Insurance Rate Maps Effective Date:  August 2, 2018.

In all special flood hazard areas, development may not occur where alternative locations exist due to the inherent hazards and risks incolved.  Before a permit is issued, the applicant shall demostrate that the new structures cannot be located out of the floodplain and that encroachments onto the floodplain are minimized.

New structures and substantial improvements of existing structures located, in whole  or in part, in a special flood hazard area shall be designated and constructed to safely withstand flood loads reaching the flood protection elevation.  Flood damage resistant materials shall be used below the elevation of the lowest flood required by the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance.  Electrical, mechanical and plumbing fixtures and components shall be at or above the lowest floor elevation requirements.  New electric panel boards shall be at least two feet above the flood protection elevation.  The flood protection elevation is the base flood elevation plus three (3) feet of freeboard.

Additional standards apply to Substantial damage and substantial improvements of structures located in the special flood hazard area.

Build to be safe from flooding now and in the future. Retrofit homes or businesses in flood zones, do not build in the floodway.